Digital NORNA-föreläsning med Emily Lethbridge
Inom ramen för NORNA:s öppna digitala föreläsningsserie kommer Emily Lethbridge, associate research professor at the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavík, att hålla föredrag den 26/4 kl. 15.00-16.00 (svensk tid) med titeln: Place-names and emotional landscapes in medieval Icelandic narratives (se även abstrakt nedan). Emily kommer att tala engelska under föredraget. Studenter, kolleger och andra intresserade är välkomna att delta via zoomlänken, som alltså kan spridas vidare, nedan:
In this talk, Emily will present some findings from her research on the role of place-names (and the anecdotal, narrative etymologies that sometimes accompany them) in the medieval Icelandic literary corpus (especially the Íslendingasögur and Landnámabók). After a broad overview, attention will turn to the subject of emotional landscapes, with analysis of what range of emotions are evoked by a selection of place-names and etymologies found in narratives under focus. In conclusion, the extent to which emotional responses to place-names might have an impact on the reception of the sagas in different contexts will be considered.