Navn og navnebærer
Navn og navnebærer. Rapport fra NORNAs 45. symposium i Skagen 1.–4. oktober 2014. Redigeret af Martin Sejer Danielsen, Birgit Eggert og Johnny G.G. Jakobsen (Name and Name bearer. Proceedings from The 45th NORNA Symposium in Skagen, 1–4 October 2014. Edited by Martin Sejer Danielsen, Birgit Eggert, and Johnny G.G. Jakobsen). NORNA-rapporter 93. 327p. Uppsala 2016. ISBN 978-91-7276-093-6.
The 45th NORNA symposium was held in Skagen in North Jutland, Denmark, from the 1st to the 4th of October 2014. The symposium was arranged by the Name Research Section at the Department of Nordic Research at the University of Copenhagen. Personal names, place-names, and urban names connected to the symposium theme “Name and name bearer” were discussed by the 25 participants from Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The symposium proceedings contain 14 of the 18 congress papers.
Keywords: NORNA proceedings, proper names, onomastics, name research, place-names, personal names, names and gender, linguistic landscapes, names in archaeology, names and legends.
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